Provided by: 9game. Real Reacing 3 is a wonderful racing game that amazes every player.Following is a review of it.
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The timers can be sped up with coins, which are the premium currency, and earned infrequently compared to the in-game bucks. You can choose to wait or spend coins, and it’s frustrating either way. The biggest problem though, is the 45 cars to unlock as it’s a super grind to try to unlock them just from racing. You will almost have to use actual money to get new cars, and a second car becomes essential, so you can use it while the other one is receiving maintenance. You earn relatively little bucks for winning races in comparison to the cost of new cars, and this is only exasperated on better cars. Just like the upgrades, newer cars are a necessity to do well in later events, and both unlocking cars, and servicing them really pull towards the IAP. There may be 900 events in Real Racing 3, but it would likely take at least $100 or an eternity playing for free to play through all of them.
Real Racing 3 (Free, Universal) is the most technologically advanced game in the App Store that is worth experiencing for that reason alone. It’s free for everyone to try, but as soon as you get into the flow of things at about 15-20 races in, you’ll run up against the choice of heading down the slippery slope of spending much more than $6.99, or deleting the game. Even without the restrictive freemium structure, the gameplay leaves quite a bit to be desired as the racing balance just doesn’t seem to be there, and the time shifted multiplayer doesn’t stand out.
Real Racing 3 (Free, Universal) is the most technologically advanced game in the App Store that is worth experiencing for that reason alone. It’s free for everyone to try, but as soon as you get into the flow of things at about 15-20 races in, you’ll run up against the choice of heading down the slippery slope of spending much more than $6.99, or deleting the game. Even without the restrictive freemium structure, the gameplay leaves quite a bit to be desired as the racing balance just doesn’t seem to be there, and the time shifted multiplayer doesn’t stand out.
If you wanna more racing games besides Real Reacing 3, turn to 9game.
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