Provided by: 9game. Real Reacing 3 is a wonderful racing game that amazes every player.Following is a review of it.
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Real Racing 3’s most noticeable feature is the graphics engine, which builds upon Real Racing 2, which was still one of the best looking games in the App Store. The graphics in number three are quite simply the best available on iOS beginning with the amount of detail packed into every pixel on every authentic car. The game multiplies this amazing feat 22 times with jam packed race courses of highly detailed automobiles. Then there are the gorgeous tracks, and the ultimate takeaway is that all of the finely crafted assets flow effortlessly at such high speeds. The game also features authentic and persistent car damage, live reflected rearview mirrors, and amazing lighting effects as the sun sheen reflects accurate angles off of each car.
The game is an absolutely beauty to behold in the palm of your hand, and the design really helps immerse you in the racing action. It takes more than a great graphics engine to make a great game, and the 900 events are another highlight. The events are split up into multiple sections and tiers, and there are various race modes including cops, elimination, speed challenges, endurance races, autocross, and even drag races. The variation keeps the racing action fresh, and there’s always a unique challenge around the bend.
In each individual race there can be some intense action when you’re banging up against 10 cars as they all try to maneuver a switchback. On the flip side, there can be times where you’re sitting in 10th, and there just isn’t much chance to move up leaving you going through the motions for the next couple of laps. The gameplay is geared towards realism as the name suggests, but the races then lend themselves to be run of the mill without much unknown. It never really gets that hectic, and as the races continue, the main challenge becomes contending with the curves of the road rather than opponents because of the spacing between cars. The biggest problem with the gameplay is the overall balance as skill plays less and less of a role, and instead success is dependent upon car upgrades. No racing game should value upgrades above all else, but that’s exactly what Real Racing 3 does.
The game is an absolutely beauty to behold in the palm of your hand, and the design really helps immerse you in the racing action. It takes more than a great graphics engine to make a great game, and the 900 events are another highlight. The events are split up into multiple sections and tiers, and there are various race modes including cops, elimination, speed challenges, endurance races, autocross, and even drag races. The variation keeps the racing action fresh, and there’s always a unique challenge around the bend.
In each individual race there can be some intense action when you’re banging up against 10 cars as they all try to maneuver a switchback. On the flip side, there can be times where you’re sitting in 10th, and there just isn’t much chance to move up leaving you going through the motions for the next couple of laps. The gameplay is geared towards realism as the name suggests, but the races then lend themselves to be run of the mill without much unknown. It never really gets that hectic, and as the races continue, the main challenge becomes contending with the curves of the road rather than opponents because of the spacing between cars. The biggest problem with the gameplay is the overall balance as skill plays less and less of a role, and instead success is dependent upon car upgrades. No racing game should value upgrades above all else, but that’s exactly what Real Racing 3 does.
If you wanna more racing games besides Real Reacing 3, turn to 9game.
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