Jumping Over Double Obstacles
The more treacherous obstacles I have encountered in the game happens when there are two obstacles back to back. Most of the time it will be a spiked wheel and a river. If you time your jump just right, you can clear both of these in one bound. Wait until the very last moment before jumping over the first obstacle and you should be able to clear them both.
Use The Right Powerups
Some powerups are quite a bit better at getting you more coins, higher scores, and longer runs than others.
If you're after more coins and higher scores, one of the best powerups is the Coin Magnet, which is unlocked at level 5. Leveling up to level 5 will require you to complete your active objectives. Coin Magnet will also help you unlock abilities faster, since you'll end up getting a lot more coins with it.
For longer runs, the Boost powerup will help. Boost will run you farther into the map, while completely avoiding all obstacles in the way.
Upgrade The Best Abilities First
If you're using the Coin Magnet powerup, then purchase the Coin Magnet and Coin Value abilities first. The Coin Magnet ability will make the Coin Magnet powerup last longer, and and the Coin Value ability increases coin values once you reach certain distances.
If you're using the Boost powerup, you'll want to focus on the Boost ability. The Boost ability will make your Boost powerup last longer.
The Save Me ability is also really good, since it reduces the gem cost when you use a Save Me. Save Me costs typically go like this: 1 gem for your first death, 2 gems for your second death, 4 gems for your third death, and 8 gems for your fourth death, and so on. As you can see, the cost doubles every time, so this can save a lot of your valuable gems. Purchasing three Save Me ability upgrades will make your first three deaths only cost 1 gem each.
Master The Mine Carts
Once you master the mine cart areas, they'll actually become some of the easier areas in the game.
One of the more important tips is to not focus as much on getting gems when you're in the mine cart. Pick up the gems that you can reach easily, but don't go out of your way for them until you get better in the mine carts. It's not worth getting a few more coins if you die in the process.
Only lean when necessary. The only time you really have to lean is on the forks in the track, and on the missing track sections.
Besides Temple Run 2, you can find other ADV games on 9game.