9GAME believes that if you are a GTA games lover, you would not miss GTA San Andreas.
To read more information about GTA San Andreas or other action games, you can click HERE.
App Recommend: Xender - Flash Transfer
- For each increment of $5000 = 1 (If you spend money, points will go down with it.)
- Getting Busted/Wasted = -3
- For every 0.1% of game completed = 1 (100% completion counts, alone, as 1000 points.)
- Using a cheat = -10
- Killing pedestrians = Linked to the statistics "People killed since last checkpoint" and "Total legitimate kills" (in Stats > Crimes) instead of increasing immediately the rating, going to what the game defines to be a "checkpoint" (Finishing a mission, going to a Pay 'n' Spray, or saving the game) is required to trigger the criminality point increase (and thus your total legitimate kills), with the amount of points obtained depends on the amount of kills this stat gives (for an example, 5 kills on the said statistic will increase by 5 points the rating after going to the Pay'n'spray). Once the point increase has been applied, the game counts this action as a "checkpoint", resetting the stat "Number of people killed since last checkpoint", increasing the "Total legitimate kills" stat by the value obtained before attaining the checkpoint.
- Running over pedestrians, i.e. ramming down someone with a car, will not be counted as a "legitimate kill", although increasing by 1 your "People you've wasted" stat, which is your true total kill count throughout the game.
- Being killed, arrested will reset your "People killed since last checkpoint" stat to 0, thus all kills you've made before dying will not be registered as "legitimate kills".
- Going to a TransFenders is not a checkpoint.
- Destroying ground vehicles = +0 (Empty vehicles don't reward you anything. Destroying ground vehicles with a driver and/or passengers in it grants you points only because you killed the peds inside. Privileged targets are cop cars with 2 cops in it, SWAT trucks and FBI Ranchers with 4 agents each in them. Randomly on the road, you will also find some 4-doors with multiple passengers in them. Shoot them on sight if you want!)
- Destroying aircrafts = +30
- The scoring is not always the same in Hydra. The basic amount of points for taking Hydra down is +30 as in any other aircraft but it varies in case you shot Hydra down from another Hydra. You can get as much as +120 points for taking a single Hydra down if you do it above the sea and then follow the enemy hydra down until it crashes into the water level.
To read more information about GTA San Andreas or other action games, you can click HERE.
App Recommend: Xender - Flash Transfer