Angry Birds is a popular puzzle game and you can find it at 9game.
We provide you with more tips,cheats and reviews for Angry Birds in 9game-Angry Birds.
App Recommend: Xender - Flash Transfer
- One green bird boomeranged into the bottom of the tower crushes three pigs; a second bird sent to the same spot collapses the tower.
- One green bird boomeranged into the bottom of the ice house crushes the pigs nearby; a second green bird into the bottom of the wooden house, then a third into the bottom of the stone house, crushes the remaining pigs.
- One yellow bird into the lower corner of the upper wooden house crushes the mustache pig; two more yellow birds sent against the two remaining houses crushes the pigs.
- One green bird boomeranged back from behind the house crushes two pigs; two yellow birds sent directly into the house from the front crushes the remaining pigs.
- One black bird at the upper left corner of the lower house will crush all the pigs there; a yellow bird traveling along the arc marked by the balloons will crush all the pigs and the soldier pig at the end.
We provide you with more tips,cheats and reviews for Angry Birds in 9game-Angry Birds.
App Recommend: Xender - Flash Transfer