Hay Day is a popular casual game and 9game wants to share some tips and tricks about building in Hay Day for players.
Have you been addicted to Hay Day? If so, you must be busy with feeding animals, harvest crops, and fishing now. Here, we’d like to share with you some tips and strategy for boat. You may have your own ways to play this game, but also some smart methods will help you play mobile strategy games easier and more interesting.
– When the boat dock is first repaired, it is to a players advantage to complete every boat order, even if this requires purchasing items, as the Captain achievement requires the player to complete consecutive boats.
– Help others often. Your friends and followers will come to think of you as a “good friend” if they frequently see your avatar on their crates and they are more likely to check your farm for boat help frequently.
– Ask for help! It is very critical to have as many friends as possible to help you complete these orders. Add people even if you do not know them to build up a good pool of friends. You can find Hay Day free download, and come to compete with your best friends!
– Make filling crates a priority at this point, over truck orders or sales to non-player characters.
– Change your farms name. It is helpful to put in your farms title that your boat needs help. If you can remember to change it back after, it is even more helpful to put the exact item you require in the title so that your friends do not have to go to your boat to recall what item they want to help you with.
– Get new boats early in the day. When you send a boat off, a new boat is coming in 4 hours…. or the next time you log into your game. If you send a shipment off at night and can resist checking back in after 4 hours have elapsed, the boat will come in and the timer will start at your next login. To avoid having the timer tick overnight, do not check in if it has been more than 4 hours since you sent off your last boat. Why not check the Hay Day video to get more gameplay experience?
– Plan ahead. When you send a shipment off, check the dock to see what will be required for your next shipment. It is most advantageous to complete orders before you go to sleep and put the items you will require in your production queue overnight, if possible. You may also need to plant crops or set aside animal products to fill orders and knowing in advance will prevent selling these items in other ways.
To read more information about Hay Day or other casual games, you can go to 9Game.